Monday, April 16, 2012

Get the Garlic or Onion Smell Off

Get the Garlic or Onion Smell Off Your Hands by Rubbing Them With a Spoon

By Whitson Gordon, Apr 16

While many of us may love the smell and taste of garlic, it loses its allure when it's all over your own hands. Here's a simple way to get that smell off.
This actually works with both garlic and onions, whose smells can be neutralized with stainless steel. All you need to do is rub your hands with a stainless steel spoon under cold water, as if the spoon were soap. In fact, they make metal soap bars for this very purpose, but why would you buy one of those when you have such an abundance of stainless steel nearby? When you're done, your hands should lose most of that smell and you can wash them with real soap to get them lemony fresh.
